Village Hall News & Events

LVH Email Group: If you would like to be first to hear about events and news, email 


Friday 28th February, 7pm with support from Arts Alive

1868. Discharged from the army, Morten scrapes a living on the edge of the Swedish forest. Suddenly he begins to suffer nightmares and mysterious visits as he sleeps. He’s told he is plagued by a Mara – a folkloric figure who visits another at night. To free himself, he must discover the Mara’s identity. But who is it?

Entertaining, immersive and moving, this solo storytelling performance is a whodunnit, a dive into the dreamscape of Swedish folklore, a love story, a journey through Europe’s ancient forests, a playful look at our relationship with sleep and a rummage into what it means to be awake.

“Dominic Kelly conjures an entire world single-handed from an almost empty stage” Lancaster Guardian

Doors open 6.30pm performance 7pm

Adult £12, Child £6  (U18), Family £30  (2 adults +2 children)

Jeni Howland  Yoga in Linton – New members welcome

Jeni has been practicing yoga for over 20 years and teaching yoga for around 8 years. She has many varying qualifications in dance, fitness, gymnastics and different strands of yoga. Jeni is also a Natural Health Practitioner, and practices in Ledbury and Cheltenham.

Tuesdays – Try your first class for free!
Tuesday 9:30 am – 10:30 am – Mat Yoga Class
£10 single class / £45 block of 5 classes
Plenty of places available at Upton Bishop on Wednesday evenings at 6.15pm!

Please bring your own yoga mat if you have one (there will be a couple available to borrow if you need). This class will be a mixed level class and will be welcoming to beginners as well as being beneficial and enjoyable for those who have done yoga before. You don’t need to be flexible or “good at yoga” to come along as we all start our own yoga journey anew each time we come to our yoga mat. Contact Jeni: 07736 300 325


Our ‘Thursday Lunch Club’  serves a decent two course meal in the village hall on the third Thursday of each month through to March 2025. If you regularly come along then please look out for an email. If you do not usually attend but would like to join in then please let Carol know (07811 012593 on carol849 so we can add you to the mailing list and keep you advised. New name, same team- and we are looking forward to seeing you all!

Since 2018 the ‘Community Lunches’ (now The Thursday Lunch Club) has been run as a joint effort between the three village charities – Linton Village Hall, Village of Linton Trust (VoLT) and St.Mary’s Church – with the proceeds being shared equally between these three charities.


Linton Village Hall has signed the Greener Footprints Pledge
Greener Footprints is a county wide initiative set up to help achieve the vision of a zero carbon nature rich Herefordshire. “Join Greener Footprints and make a pledge to beat climate change so we, along with future generations, can all continue to enjoy the wonderful natural environment and wildlife that we’re so lucky to have all around us in Herefordshire.  In three simple steps people and organisations can make a real difference by taking independent and joint actions that will collectively make a big dent in the effects of climate change on our county, and our lives…”  To find out more about this county wide campaign, go to the link below to find out all about this initiative and join in.

Linton Village Hall Climate and Nature Grant Update – June 2022
 You may recall the hall committee received a grant from Herefordshire Council at the end of 2021 to carry out energy saving improvements to the hall. These included supplementing the existing loft insulation, replacing all the existing fluorescent lighting with LED units and installing photovoltaic solar panels with battery storage. Well, this project is now complete!

Loft insulationLoft Insulation 2
The additional loft insulation was put in in March 2022 with the main hall and committee rooms loft areas being supplemented with 100mm of extra insulation to prevent heat loss through the roofs.

Inside Greener Heating

The Led Lighting was installed in the beginning of May 2022 with all the ceiling lights in the main hall and ancillary rooms, as well as external floodlighting, being replaced with LED units to reduce electricity usage.

The installation of PV Solar Panels was carried out mid-May and comprised the erection of 14 solar panels on the rear roof slopes of the hall plus a storage battery and inverter. These will again serve to reduce electricity usage overall at the hall.

Linton Village Hall New Solar Panels

The work to the hall has been carried out to budget and within the time frames set by the council grant. All these improvements will help to reduce the hall’s carbon footprint and ultimately work towards combating climate change.

If you would like any more information about the project, please contact:
Jane Reeves
Linton Village Hall Management Committee 

Regular user Groups – Contact details

  • Tai Chi: Thursday 6.30-8pm–  Contact Trevor on 01452 830000.  See the Tai Chi page under ‘Clubs and Societies’
  • Linton Art Club meet at Linton Village Hall every Thursday 10am-12noon. A small friendly Art Club where you can learn new skills, from drawing and painting to pottery and printmaking. As a qualified art teacher, Amanda is  particularly keen to welcome beginners. All materials plus tea and cake provided. Contact Amanda on 07903 104091 or email
  • Walk on Wednesday Group – meet at the Hall at 10.00 on alternate Wednesdays
  • The Weaving Group usually meet every other Friday, and welcome new members. If this is something you would like more information about, or would like to join, please email gaynor@the-workshop.orgDSC_0416
  • Pilates on a Monday morning is not running due to lack of numbers. However, if you are still interested please contact  Matt on 01989  750 354 or email as he has other classes running and may (if there are enough numbers) return to Linton. 




If you like social media, follow us on ‘LVH51’ for information and news about whats going on.
