Please contact the Rector Rev. David Howell or the Parish Secretary if you would like to arrange one of these events.
Children are usually christened (or baptised, it means the same) as infants at their local church, although it may take place at another church where the family worships. You can be baptised at eight months or 80, it is never too late (and we are very happy to baptise young children).
Adults who wish to be baptised will also be asked to consider the commitment of confirmation – please contact the Rector to discuss your situation. Christenings normally take place in a Sunday service, and certain Sundays, when there is a Family or other appropriate service, are preferred.
Please contact the Rector, who will arrange to visit to meet you and your child, take down details, and explain the service.
All children are welcomed, regardless of family circumstances, and it is normal to have three godparents (two of the same sex as the child), who must themselves be baptised and preferably confirmed. There is no charge for a christening.
In the Church of England those who have been baptised as infants and adults joining the church are invited to make a profession of faith and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop in confirmation, and this is the usual time to begin receiving the consecrated bread and wine of Holy Communion.
In our Benefice there is usually one Confirmation service each year (usually in the summer) and a general invitation is made after Easter to all children in their last year in the church primary schools, other young people and inquiring adults as to whether they would like to be confirmed. Preparation groups are then organised depending on the candidates, to explore the essentials of the Christian faith and think about the commitment to be made.
If you are interested in making such a profession and being admitted to full communicant participation in church life, please speak to the Rector or other clergy.
Couples wishing to marry at St Mary’s, Linton, are asked to make first enquiry of the Rector, who will be able to advise on possible dates and whether they are eligible by residence or other connection. He will then help to organise the church service with the help of other members of the church.
St Mary’s has both organ and piano to accompany the service, and a ring of six bells for which ringers may be hired, and we hope that you will consider our beautiful and ancient church as a place in which to make a lasting commitment in the sight of God.
Linton church is in regular use for funerals; all those resident in the parish are entitled to be buried in the churchyard, and sometimes others with connections to the parish have their funeral or memorial services there.
Arrangements are usually made through funeral directors at the time of death, but do make enquiry if you are concerned about the possibilities for your own or a loved one’s future funeral and the Rector should be able to offer supportive clarification.