Linton Brownies; Linton in Herefordshire




February 2021 Update

Linton Brownies meet in the Village Hall, virtually on Tuesdays from 6-7.15pm,  and have spaces for girls age 7-10.   Contact Jenny to register your interest.

Please note, this is Linton near Ross-on-Wye,  Herefordshire, HR9 7RX.

Previous Posts
The Brownies remained busy despite the Coronavirus Pandemic;
“We have been having lots of fun doing activities together on Zoom. We have cooked biscuits, made pom-pom robins, performed experiments, made monsters and learnt to sew!”

Here are some more  images of their fabulous artworks produced at home in the first lockdown;



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August 2017 update;

Linton Brownies have had a busy term working on their seasons badge.   They chased different species of bumble bees round the village to try and win bumblebee bingo, had a honey tasting, made bird baths and designed their ideal holiday.
We had a fantastic weekend trip to PGL where we tried everything from zip wire to survival skills.
Linton Brownies has spaces available for girls aged 7-10 to start this September so if you are interested in your daughter joining, or want to add your daughter to the waiting list for when they turn 7, please register them on the website:
If you want more information, please email Jenny
Many thanks,

April 2016

Linton Brownies have had a very busy term finishing their Toymaker badge by sewing “Gonks”, celebrating pancake day and have just started their Booklover badge.

Gonks for Pancake Day!

Gonks for Pancake Day!

The Ross and Aston Crews district Girlguiding have had 7 new adult volunteers to help with Rainbows, Brownies and Guides since September including 2 new adults helping at Linton Brownies.  This is making a huge difference and we are very grateful.  We are still looking for more help with Lea Brownies so if you are female and aged 14+ please register your interest on the Girlguiding website.  We have spaces available for Brownies both at Linton Brownies and Lea Brownies for girls aged 7-10 so if you are interested in your daughter joining, or want to add your daughter to the waiting list for when they turn 7, please register them on the website:”



Rainbow poster

Many thanks to Graham and Lin (formerly of The Alma Inn) whose kind generosity to the 1st Linton Brownies made the purchase of these wonderful Hi Viz safety vests possible. Local firm CTF Promotions did the printing.The photos were taken on a nature walk at the Dub, where they really glowed in the dark!

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