Author Archives: Janet Taylor

Linton village hall kitchen refurbishment

The Village hall committee will be refurbishing the Village Hall kitchen in the early part of 2014 –  we would like to ensure that the old kitchen and some of the equipment are disposed of considerately and to this end invite reasonable offers for part or all of the kitchen to include the range cooker and cupboards and worktops


please contact chairperson Janet Taylor on janett@mv24, for more information

Linton Village Hall Chairmans statement January 2014

Chairman’s statement AGM 18/1/14

One of the key aspects that emerge when reflecting on 2013 is in the way in which as a village hall we have expanded our involvement beyond these walls into local events such as cooperation with our church (the family fun day and carol singing) the Alma festival ( providing over 100 breakfasts for visitors) the combined village event ( Linton tug of war team)
As the village hall committee we believe it is these extended associations that will help to support and maintain our village hall as part of the community centre going forward into 2014 and beyond. By encouraging a variety of visitors through our doors we support and maintain the fabric of the building but also the fabric of the community via regular hiring, fundraising and community events.
This year we have had to implement changes to the way in which we operate in terms of H&S, food handling and licensing. Rather than see these new requirements as a negative we have responded positively to ensure we run a professional and safe environment by effective record keeping and how we approach our catering efforts in the hall. To this end we have launched our Linton village catering for 3 large events this year and hope to encourage more hirers to take advantage of the excellent service we provide.
As we move into 2014 we will officially launch our website which is just one of the areas of development that builds on the excellent work of the previous members of the Linton village Family. Our logo ‘I love Linton village hall’ will be seen on the our new mugs which we hope you will enjoy later on this morning
Of course none of this is possible without the enthusiastic support of friends, colleagues and family of committee members who attend our events and of course the committee who are so engaged with all things Linton. They never fail to put less than 110% effort into everything they do whether its applying for funding, researching legislation, tracking spend, setting and clearing up the hall, making cakes or donating their time and considerable effort to making what Linton village hall has become , a welcoming and friendly place for people to come and enjoy the sense of community that Linton village hall engenders.
So bearing in mind that this is the centenary year of WWI what better way to express our need for everyone to continue their support as truly your Village hall needs you!